The following resources provide an overview of permits and registrations required for new or expanding dairy operations in Kansas. Simply click on the title listed below to read more.
– Kansas Secure Milk Supply Plan
The Kansas Secure Milk Supply Plan (KS SMS Plan) is a tool for the Kansas dairy industry to be implemented for guidance when moving raw milk product to processing from uninfected dairy farms during a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in North America. The movement of raw milk product with guidance from this document will help to support the economic viability of the Kansas dairy industry during an outbreak.
The goals of the KS SMS Plan are to:
- Support the economic viability of the Kansas dairy industry during and after an FMD outbreak
- Provide for efficient and effective response to minimize disease spread
- Support a continuous supply of milk and milk products to consumers
- Provide guidance to reduce disease spread throughout livestock sectors once stop movement orders are lifted
- Communicate biosecurity standards between state officials to allow for animal movement across state borders during an FMD outbreak
For more information on the Kansas Secure Milk Supply Plan, click below.
– Dairy Farm & Processing Facility Licensing Guides
The Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) is devoted to the total support of agriculture in Kansas. While we must fulfill our statutory obligations, the department is dedicated to providing support and assistance to make Kansas farms, ranches and agribusinesses successful and help them grow if that is their desire. In addition to license requirements by KDA, other Kansas agencies — as well as local or federal government agencies — may have regulatory requirements to follow. Contact your local planning authority to ensure you follow all local business development laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. This guide is designed to assist you as you work to build and operate a successful dairy farm in Kansas. We encourage more farms, ranches and other agriculture businesses to expand in or relocate to Kansas.
This checklist will help guide you through various resources and requirements for opening and operating a typical Kansas dairy farm.
This checklist will help guide you through various resources and requirements for opening and operating a typical Kansas dairy processing facility.
– Kansas Department of Health & Environment
Any facility that confines more than 300 animal units or has a daily discharge must register with the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE). The need for additional permits and nutrient management plans will be determined based upon the number of animal units and pollution potential. Consult the Environmental Regulatory Guidance for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations for further information on permitting requirements in Kansas.
Permit applications and other resources are available from the KDHE Livestock Waste Management Section.
Tip: A list of private consultants can be requested through the KDHE Livestock Waste Management Section by calling 785-296-6432.
Casey Guccione, Section Chief
Bureau of Environmental Field Services
Livestock Management Section
1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 340
Topeka, KS 66612-1367
Phone: 785-296-4039
– Kansas Department of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources
The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s Water Appropriation Program administers the Kansas Water Appropriation Act and rules and regulations pertaining to the management of water resources. This program issues permits to appropriate water, regulates water use and maintains records of all water rights in the state.
Tip: As you consider the purchase of water rights, be sure the water is physically present and available. Some water appropriations were made many years ago when water availability was different and does not accurately portray current conditions. Also, keep in mind the water rights purchased that are currently used for irrigation will require a change of use to a stockwater right to be used for livestock facilities. There are different water use limitations for livestock use when compared to irrigation used and may result in a loss of as much of 1/3 the appropriate water right.
Kansas Department of Agriculture
Water Appropriation Program
1320 Research Park Drive
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-5000
Phone: (785) 564-6640
Fax: (785) 564-6778
– Kansas Department of Agriculture – Dairy Industry

The Dairy Inspection Program of the Kansas Department of Agriculture issues a permit to each Kansas dairy farm that sells raw milk.
The Grade A Producer Information Packet gives new Kansas Dairy producers some information concerning the construction and operation of a dairy farm in Kansas. Suitable plans for new construction must be submitted to the Kansas Department of Agriculture and approved before starting construction.
Kansas Department of Agriculture
Dairy Inspection Program
1320 Research Park Drive
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
Phone: (785) 564-6700